Sunday, June 23, 2019

Scentsy Goal

I am so close to hitting my Scentsy Goal, I set for myself for the month of June.

I am really wanting to hit my goal, even if you jump on and get a Bundle and Save

with the wax bars or even cleaning products.

Are you wanting to spoil yourself?

Is there someone's Birthday coming up or even purchase for Christmas presents and put

them away.

Does your car need a car bar

Are you looking at getting a scent circle, the prefect thing to get with that is the same

scent in the room spray, because when the scent circle does start to lose its scent

you put it in a zip lock bag, spray 2-3 sprays of the room spray in it and leave it

overnight and it is ready to go back where you had the scent circle.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Endometriosis is a common disease in which the tissue that is similar to the lining of the womb
grows outside  it in other parts of the body. More than 730,000 (more than 10%) of Australian women 
suffer with endometriosis  at some point in their life with the disease often starting in teenagers. 

Symptoms are variable and this may contribute to the 7 to 12 year delay in diagnosis. 
Common symptoms include pelvic pain that puts life on hold around or during a woman’s period. 
It can damage fertility. 
Whilst endometriosis most often affects the reproductive organs it is frequently found in the bowel 
and  bladder and has been found in muscle, joints, the lungs and the brain. In an Australian 
government report, endometriosis is reported to cost Australian society $7.7 billion annually with two 
thirds of these costs  attributed to loss in productivity with the remainder,
approximately $2.5 billion being direct healthcare costs.​​

Product Tester

Washing bed sheets today, using just breath washer whiffs, laundry liquid and scent soft. 
Than into the dryer with the dryer disks. 
I just love the way Scentsy leaves my washing clean and smells great and is good with my sensitive skin.

Contact me today for laundry tester.

How To Support Me Without Spending Money

Can I ask you all a favour, please? To help support my business without spending money can you please like, share and comment on my posts....My business relies on word of mouth and referrals and I appreciate your support


Did you know I also offer Fundraisers
Contact me today to find out more information

Lets play a game of Scavenger Hunt

Please help me with this Scavenger Hunt.
If you would like to order please let me know

Monthly Sample Club

Join my sample club in June this month, and tag your friends to join.
The person with the most friends that have joined my sample club will win the giveaway for June.
To join my sample club send me a message and I will add you to my monthly mailing.
Giveaway Ends 30th June @ 7pm and will be drawn 1 July @ 7pm

To join my monthly sample club please go to and send me a message